My nausea is slowly getting worse this week, but I don't think it's quite as bad as it was with Kash at this stage. I'm having lots of cravings. The most recurring one the last couple weeks has been some sort of cheesy marinara sauced dish. So far I've used eggplant parmesean, cheese mannicotti, and mozzerella sticks to satisfy it. The wierd thing I've noticed since I've been pregnant this time though, is that I absolutely can not eat left overs. I sometimes make a double batch of dinner to eat for lunch or dinner another day that week, but each time I've done that since I've been pregnant, those extra servings have gone in the trash. They are just not appealing in the least.
I feel like my stomach is humongous already, I'm sure it doesn't look as big to others as it does to me, but here's the latest belly pic...
All About The Baby This Week
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