
Thursday, June 16, 2011

There Went Our Due Date...

Today was our due date. Liam is not here. I'm not quite sure why, he's dancing around so much in there you would think he'd like some more space to do it in. At the doctor's today I had another pelvic exam. He said my cervix is 75% thinned out and nice and soft, which is good, and I'm about 1 to 2 centimeters dilated, which is really no progress from last week. He did say that the baby is super low (at about 0 station), which just means he has moved into my pelvis. This was of course no suprise to me since my belly button has moved down my stomach about 2 inches and I have to pee every 5 minutes. His heart sounded good on the fetal doppler, and his growth is measuring good as well, but I had to stay for a non-stress test to make sure that the baby isn't under any distress in there and that it's safe to let him stay in my uterus.

Once you hit the 40 week mark you're only considered full term, you're not considered past term (or overdue) until 42 weeks, so they usually won't induce you until at least 41 weeks, unless it's not safe for the baby to be remain in utero any longer. So for this non-stress test I had to sit in a chair for about a half an hour while they monitored the baby's heartbeat and movements, and any contractions I might have. He passed the test, he's doing just fine in there, and I apparently even had a contraction while I was sitting there, which he handled well also. They then did a quick ultrasound to check the fluid level and make sure everything looked good, and it did. The nurse actually said I had an "excellent amount of fluid" in there for him, so it's perfectly safe for him to stay put for another week or so. So they've placed me on the hospitals induction list for next Thursday, June 23rd. I of course really hope he decides to come before that, but at least I can now see a light at the end of this tunnel if he doesn't...

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